
At Healthcare Specialists, we recruit. Professionals who post résumés are generally unhappy. We locate and recruit individuals who are thriving in their current environments and present to them the opportunities that your firm has to offer. This includes the potential for career advancement, financial betterment and improvement in the quality of life. These individuals are generally guarded as "best kept secrets" in their companies. Healthcare Specialists has developed a system which has "unlocked" the vaults that contain these medical/surgical sales professionals.

Our recruiters all have medical, dental, surgical, pharmaceutical, or recruiting sales experience. We know the lingo; we know what it takes to be successful in this current environment. We understand the call points, whether it is selling into the Operating Room, the hospital, or into a physician office. We all have a proven track record of success in sales. The professionals at Healthcare Specialists have spent considerable time developing a comprehensive database of over 30,000 sales professionals across the country. Our firm is represented at major medical/surgical conferences across the country. Most importantly, our Principal has garnered a reputation in the industry for professional, courteous, efficient and, most of all, confidential handling of potential candidates. The excellent medical/surgical sales professionals are deluged by contacts from companies and quasi-professional recruiters, and are averse to respond to these contacts. Our reputation in the industry grants us welcome access to these individuals.